The Goats are Taking Over!

."EW! You eat goats?!?!" Why, yes...yes we do! I encourage you to eat goat as well! Try it - you will be amazed (like I was) at how delicious it is. Goat meat is the most nutritious red meat you can ingest. Far leaner than beef, it is excellent for those watching the waistline, cholesterol levels, and needing an alternative to the average hum-drum food.
Goat meat is naturally lean, meaning it is much lower in saturated fat and cholesterol, having a naturally higher HDL count (the good cholesterol) and a naturally low LDL count (the bad kind of cholesterol). It is also lower in calories than other meats. Since the molecular structure of goat meat is different than that of beef or chicken, it is easier to digest.
70% of the world's population is very familiar with goat meat, and prefer it to all other red meats. It is only here in our Western culture that we are slow to catch on to what the rest of the world already knew about. It's time we dragged more of our friends to a taste-test with goat meat!
Goat meat is naturally lean, meaning it is much lower in saturated fat and cholesterol, having a naturally higher HDL count (the good cholesterol) and a naturally low LDL count (the bad kind of cholesterol). It is also lower in calories than other meats. Since the molecular structure of goat meat is different than that of beef or chicken, it is easier to digest.
70% of the world's population is very familiar with goat meat, and prefer it to all other red meats. It is only here in our Western culture that we are slow to catch on to what the rest of the world already knew about. It's time we dragged more of our friends to a taste-test with goat meat!